Sunday, April 1, 2012

My Favorite 100 Films

NUMBER 100: Cloud Atlas


NUMBER 98: Up in the Air

Down to earth, Clooney and co. deliver a solidly entertaining drama.

NUMBER 97: Three Kings
Didn't think i would have a movie with Ice Cube on my movie list. However, Three Kings deftly blends comedy, action, and drama to perfection.


NUMBER 95: Hot Fuzz

NUMBER 94: The Incredibles

NUMBER 93: Fargo

The Coen Brothers are brilliant. The two together have created a wide variety of films, from dark comedies to westerns to thrillers. Fargo represents them at their peak of brilliant black comedies.


NUMBER 91: Snatch

A fast, chaotic, and funny crime film involving a stolen diamond and an underground boxing promoter.

NUMBER 90: Moonrise Kingdom

NUMBER 89: Sin City


NUMBER 87:In Bruges

NUMBER 86: Gone Baby Gone

NUMBER 85: Godfather: Part 2

NUMBER 84: Psycho
The biggest influence on horror. With inventive camera shots, eerie music, and clever tricks, Psycho remains a classic still today.

NUMBER 83: Inception

NUMBER 82: Mr. Nobody

NUMBER 81: Midnight in Paris

If I had to pick a favorite Woody Allen film, it would be his latest Midnight in Paris. I'm not his biggest fan, but Midnight is cute, funny, and charming.

NUMBER 80: Kill Bill Parts 1 & 2
Kill Bill is an entertaining action movie with Tarantinos famous dialogue and touches of martial arts, samurai, and spaghetti westerns.

NUMBER 79: Full Metal Jacket
The famous war film by Stanley Kubrick.

NUMBER 78: There Will be Blood

Daniel Day Lewis carries this film until its end.

NUMBER 77: V for Vendetta


NUMBER 75: 2001: A Space Odyssey
The Sci Fi film that changed everything. It didn't impact me the way it probably would of back in the day, but still a revolutionary film.

NUMBER 74: Heat

NUMBER 73: Jaws

Star Wars and Jaws created the entire blockbuster scene. With just two notes, everybody was afraid to swim in the water.

NUMBER 72: American Psycho

NUMBER 71: Little Miss Sunshine

NUMBER 70: The Usual Suspects

NUMBER 69: Being John Malkovitch

NUMBER 68: District 9

NUMBER 67: How to Train your Dragon

NUMBER 66: Die Hard

NUMBER 65: Rear Window
Rear Window is Hitchcocks best, IMO. A very suspenseful film.

NUMBER 64: Zombieland
A hilarious take on a somewhat stale genre.

NUMBER 63: Schindlers List

An emotional roller-coaster. Incredible performance by Liam Neeson.

NUMBER 62: The Godfather

NUMBER 61: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

Tongue-in-cheek humor and clever script make this a special crime film.

NUMBER 60: Unforgiven
A dark, but entertaining western.

NUMBER 59: The Pianist
The Pianist is a sad story about a jewish pianist in Poland surviving WWII. Touching and incredibly sad, The Pianist hits all the right notes. (get it?)

NUMBER 58: Spirited Away

This fantasy adventure about a little girl who becomes trapped in an alternate reality filled with monsters and spirites. Its the craziest coming of age story ever, yet also brilliant.

NUMBER 57: Jurassic Park
Spielberg has shown us time and time again just how great he is at wowing the audience. The CGI in this film is a landmark in computer/film technology.

NUMBER 56: 40 Year Old Virgin

NUMBER 55: Se7en
Finchers Se7en is a dark neo-noir thriller filled with incredible performances.

NUMBER 54: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

Western Classic.

NUMBER 53: Batman Begins

Batman Begins reinvented the superhero, creating a dark and more intimate take on batman. We get a closer look at who he really and why he does the things he does.

NUMBER 52: One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest

A wonderful drama showcasing Jack Nicholsons true talent.

NUMBER 51: The Truman Show

Jim Carrey at his best playing a man involved in a television show he has now idea he stars in.

NUMBER 50: Saving Private Ryan
A gut wrenching looking at the storming of Normandy and WWII as a whole, Spielberg has crafted one of the greatest war movies of all time. ALL TIME! The opening sequence still gives me chills to this day.

Number 49: Memento
A truly unique film that accurately puts the viewer on the same level as the character who has short term memory loss by playing the movie backwards.

NUMBER 48: Superbad

Not only is Superbad hilarious, but it's incredibly relatable as well. Maybe it's because this movie was released at the right time, but its mix of comedy and heart won me over instantly.

NUMBER 47: Office Space
A funny satire on the average worker in a cubicle.
A truly underrated gem.

NUMBER 46: 50/50

NUMBER 45: The Social Network
This movie sets the bar for modern films. Not only is it a great film, it's also totally relatable and also defines a generation; MY generation.

NUMBER 44: Django Unchained
With it's combination of animation and real footage, A Scanner Darkly immediately caught my attention. I came for the visuals, stayed for the tightly woven and intricate story.

NUMBER 43: Alien
A horror classic that set the bar for alien/monster movies from then on. Sigourney Weaver was amazing in both this and its sequel.

NUMBER 42: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo(Fincher)
Having never seen the Swedish version, I can't really comment on which one I prefer. And i probably won't ever. Finchers version made an impression on me, and I wont be tarnishing that anytime soon. Taking this familiar story, Fincher stamps his own unique brand on it. An engrossing, while at times slow, story about love, betrayal, hatred, and probably every other emotion under the sun.

NUMBER 41: Gladiator
Gladiator is a historical epic about a Roman general who seeks revenge for the death of his family. Russell Crowe is brilliant in this, along with his nemesis played by Joaquin Phoenix. That guy really needs to get back into acting.

NUMBER 40: The Shining
Stanley Kubrick once again proves just how incredible he is at film making. This psychological horror film is up at the top of the horror's best, with Nicholson perfectly creepy.

NUMBER 39: Requiem For a Dream

It doesn't get much more depressing than this. Hard to watch, but one that won't easily be forgotten.

NUMBER 38: The Thing
A horror film that still holds up today. Filled with cool affects and genuine scares.

NUMBER 37: Princess Mononoke
Hayao Miyazaki has made a name for himself with his emotional animated journeys. Mononoke is a more darker tale, involving a struggle between humans and supernatural guardians of a forest.

NUMBER 36: Shawshank Redemption
Yes, i am jumping on the bandwagon. Shawshank is a fantastic film, filled with great performances and a sad, yet uplifting message. It paints an interesting picture of our legal system that I believe is relevant even today.

NUMBER 35: Platoon
A grim, yet captivating look on the Vietnam War. Platoon is strengthened by fine performances and an incredible soundtrack.

NUMBER 34:Silver Linings Playbook

NUMBER 33: Good Will Hunting
Robin Williams is amazing in Good Will Hunting. If you say otherwise you're wrong. Nope, opinions don't matter here, you're wrong. I still can't believe Matt Damon and Ben Affleck wrote this movie.....

NUMBER 32: Moon

NUMBER 31: A Clockwork Orange
Getting a bit darker, we have A Clockwork Orange. Disturbing, violent, yet captivating, Kubrick takes us on a journey of a dystopian future Britain, filled with youth gangs, Psychiatry, and other social, economical and political subjects.

NUMBER 30: In Bruges

NUMBER 29: Punch Drunk Love
This is my favorite Adam Sandler movie. That statement right there would make my roommates scratch their heads. It's quirky, funny, and cute, which is why I like it so much.

NUMBER 28: Goodfellas
This is Martin Scorsese at his absolute best. Incredible performances, especially by Joe Pesci, and amazing cinematography set this American crime drama at the top. Scorsese was born to make movies.

NUMBER 27: No Country For Old Men
Anton still makes me shudder. This cat and mouse crime thriller engrosses you, pulling you in with its absolutely amazing performances.

NUMBER 26: The Big Lebowski

NUMBER 25: The Matrix

The Matrix set the bar for Science Fiction action movies. With a truly unique and interesting premise, The Matrix is an awesome experience.

NUMBER 24: Dr. Strangelove
Like I said, I have a thing for Dark comedies. It took me awhile to finally watch Dr. Strangelove, and for that reason I did not think I would like it that much, but I did. It earned it's placed on my list, and beat out A Clockwork Orange as my favorite Kubrick flick.

NUMBER 23: Apocalypse Now

NUMBER 22: 28 Days Later
I love zombie movies. And not only did 28 Days Later give me hope in the zombie genre, it gave me home in the horror genre as well. While not "technically" zombies,  London is overrun by "the rage virus." Stellar performances and wonderful cinematography make this a truly remarkable, yet eerie horror classic.

NUMBER 21:Drive

NUMBER 20: Kick-Ass

Kick Ass isn't for everyone. Different than your average super hero film, you have young teens taking to the streets and deciding to fight crime themselves. Violent, funny, and entertaining as hell.

NUMBER 19: Fight Club
David Fincher's Fight Club is insane. Literally. With its mind-fuck ending and and society emasculations, its one you won't easily forget. The directing and acting are its standouts here, with Brad Pitt portraying Tyler Durden perfectly, showcasing his real talent. There is no arguing Fincher's true talent for film, as he uses the camera with finesse and ease. A truly captivating movie.

NUMBER 18: Shaun of the Dead
I love zombies. I also love Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg, and Nick Frost. Which makes perfect sense as to why I love Shaun of the Dead. This British comedy is incredibly psychotic, yet utterly hilarious.

NUMBER 17: Airplane!
Airplane! is what set off Leslie Nielsen's comedy career. It's also the reason why i developed such an odd drinking problem.

NUMBER 16: The Departed
Nicholson, Damon, and DiCaprio all deserved the oscar that year for best performance. This movie is Scorsese at his greatest, his best movie since Goodfellas.

NUMBER 15: Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Similar to Superbad, Forgetting Sarah Marshall is hilarious yet relatable. Getting over someone sucks, but it's always better if you're vacationing in Hawaii right? Right?.....

NUMBER 14: Brick
Brick is different. It puts high schoolers into big boy shoes. It takes the noir genre and flips on its head. Joseph Gordon Levitt is brilliant as a kid figuring out who murdered his ex girlfriend. The language is hard to understand, but once you get the hang of it, you'll be on the edge of your seat for the duration of the film.

NUMBER 13: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Eternal Sunshine is extremely unique. Instead of showing us another lame love story involving a guy, his two close friends who give him terrible advice, and a girl he's conflicted about, we get a machine that can erase a person from your mind. It asks one of the hardest questions ever: "Is any time wasted on lost love?" Jim Carrey giving his, what I believe, best performance yet along Kate Winslet, this movie seared itself into my brain.

NUMBER 12: Inglourious Basterds

Tarantino made a name for himself with Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction. In his latest film, Inglourious Basterds, we see just how far he has come. Funny, shocking, and absolutely insane, Basterds is my favorite WW2 film(If you can call it that). In a different way though, compared to the more dramatic take on World War 2 with SPR. Not to mention Christoph Waltz is brilliant in it.

NUMBER 11: Donnie Darko
A movie about time travel, an evil rabbit, and strange visions. Doesn't sound like a winning script. however that's far from the truth. easily my favorite movie with Jake Gyllenhal, this movie gets you thinking, and begs for a second viewing. Maybe a third, fourth, fifth.....

NUMBER 10: Scott Pilgrim VS The World

While flawed, this is easily one of my favorite movies. I like to call it a guilty pleasure movie. Fast paced and hilarious, this movie reminds me why I love movies so much. Pure fun.

NUMBER 9: The Dark Knight

When Christopher Nolan released Batman Begins back in 2005, it took me completely by surprise. Growing up I was literally the biggest fan of batman. I know everyone says that, but seriously....the biggest. Christopher Nolan made me love Batman all over again. The Dark Knight took everything that was great about Batman Begins and expanded on it, with an incredibly deep storyline, outstanding acting(Ledger?), and amazing sound and visuals.

NUMBER 8: Sunshine

Danny Boyles Science Fiction film "Sunshine" is highly underrated. From its mesmerizing soundtrack and visuals to its unique take on the sci fi realm, everything about this movie screams fantastic. However, it takes a bit of a creative nose dive in the 3rd act, but that in no way detracts from the entire experience.

NUMBER 7: Lost in Translation

      NUMBER 6: Fantastic Mr Fox
It's really hard to explain why I love Fantastic Mr Fox so much. To say it plainly, this movie is just weird. And I love weird. All of the characters are so quirky and likable, its hard NOT to love them. The music is catchy, the stop motion is beautiful, I can watch this movie forever and never and get sick of it.

NUMBER 5: Taxi Driver
Absolutely stellar performances, especially De Niro. With each new viewing, i find something new to admire about it. The downward spiral of a man is perfectly portrayed by De Niro as taxi driver Travis Bickle. It's a movie that sticks with you way after the credits are over.

NUMBER 4: Pulp Fiction
Brave and original storytelling, it still amazes me even today. Tarantino's classic, Pulp Fiction is a masterpiece. Hilarious, smart, and most importantly, violent, Pulp Fiction truly shines as a unique and clever, non-linear film. English Mother Fuckers.

NUMBER 3: L.A. Confidential

This movie is perfect. From the acting, to the story, to the cinematography. An absolute powerhouse, it doesn't get much better than L.A. Confidential.


NUMBER 1: Lord of the Rings Trilogy
I'm cheating with this one, but that's only because I can. All three films feel like on continuos one, so shut up. Also, they are all equally awesome. Growing up reading the LOTR books, never did I expect to see anything visually that could even come close to successfully adapting Tolkiens fantastic lore. Boy was I wrong. 


  1. Some great films for sure but try looking into a few more from the 60'-70's. Superbad as your no. 4 and the LOTRs as, I hope that changes one day. No Malick films? No Bergman? No Star Wars or Empire? No Raiders of the Lost Ark? Glad to see Heat as I don't think it gets its credit. Interesting list, thanks.

  2. I try not to see this list as in complete order haha but LOTRs are definitely up there. But who knows, I'm young, i have a long time to change things up ;) Unfortunately for Star Wars, i grew up with the prequels, and that completely killed my interest in the series. I'll have to go back and watch them again. Always appreciate your thoughts Taylor, thanks.
